Tuesday, November 11, 2008

God is AMAZING!!!

So I got the results of my blood work back today!! My beta's at 17DPO were at 946! I am still in shock! Now that the blood results have confirmed it It is starting to sink in! I am going to be a mommy! I am going to be responsible for someone else's life! I just can't believe it! I am just in awe of God's amazing love and power. To have surgery at 7DPO and still end up pregnant is amazing to me! Am I worried about the surgery and the affects that it may have on the baby? Yes, but I have decided that I am going to have complete faith in God that everything will turn out OK! My first appointment is December 1st! I am so excited, and so incredibly thankful for this wonderful gift that God has given us! I CAN NOT wait to be a parent and share something so wonderful with my DH!!!

Just one more test pic I promise!!!

Here is some pics of how I told DH he was going to be a daddy!!!


gee said...

How cute!! I wished I did something for hubby to surprise him, but I needed his eyes to help me see the test line clearer.


aLLie said...

I'm soooooooo excited for you guys!!!!

I tagged you in my blog!!